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Store Launchpad for B2C

You can use the Store Launchpad for B2C to create a B2C commerce website.

Your commercetools Frontend project comes with a Store Launchpad for B2C that you can use to create a B2C commerce website. The template consists of Frontend components with features and functionalities from commercetools Composable Commerce and commercetools Frontend.

The Store Launchpad for B2C is designed according to digital commerce UX and UI best practices.

If the B2C components are not available in your commercetools Frontend project at this path packages/PROJECT_NAME/home/frontend/components, you can find the components in this repository and add them to your project.

Main template elements

The Store Launchpad for B2C includes the following main elements:

  • Homepage with merchandising features, such as a hero banner and sections to display categories, products, and blogs.
  • Registration page, where customers can create a customer account.
  • Login page for existing customers
  • Account pages, including:
    • My account page, where customers can manage the main account details.
    • Orders page, where customers can consult and manage their orders.
    • Payments page, where customers can add and manage the payment methods for their account.
    • Addresses page, where customers can add and manage their shipping and billing addresses.
    • Customer support page, where customers can access support information.
  • Product listings page
  • Product details page
  • Slideout cart and wishlist
  • Cart page
  • Checkout page, including:
    • An out-of-the-box commercetools Checkout integration (default option).
    • An alternative configurable checkout UI component without payment integration.
  • Navigation menu
  • Language selector
  • Header
  • Footer

The Store Launchpad for B2C includes other UI components and Frontend components. For more information, see the B2C store Storybook.

Extensions and integrations

The Store Launchpad for B2C uses the commercetools Frontend extension for Composable Commerce to implement commerce functionalities and uses the Algolia Keyword Search and Google Tag Manager integrations for search and analytics.