Frontend Development Releases

Information about recent changes to the Frontend developer tooling.

CLI version 2.4.0

20 February 2024

Version 2.4.0 of the CLI introduces a change to project initialization and fixes bugs.


CLI version 2.3.1

15 January 2024
Resolved Issue

Version 2.3.1 of the CLI fixes two bugs in the frontastic upload command:

  • In certain scenarios, the command attempted to initiate the interactive creation of a configuration file. We have corrected this behavior because the command does not require a configuration file and should operate non-interactively, especially in continuous integration environments.
  • Running the command without setting either the clientId or clientSecret environment variables failed and generated an ambiguous error message related to token retrieval from Studio. Now, the error message is clearer and states which variables are missing.

CLI version 2.3.0

15 January 2024

Version 2.3.0 of the CLI introduces a change on distributed trace log messages and fixes two bugs on the frontastic upload command.

Distributed trace log messages in the extension log window are now hidden by default, you can display them by changing the settings in the filter dialog, which opens by pressing F. This improves the visibility of extension log messages in the CLI because the distributed trace messages prevented their display.

Additionally, we fixed two bugs on the frontastic upload command:

  • The CLI no longer requests the frontastic.toml configuration file because the command already receives the configuration parameters. Previously, the CLI requested the file anyway.
  • Errors no longer occur when running the CLI as a root user.

Added new components to the B2B template

10 January 2024

Additional components are now available in the B2B store template:

  • Search listing page
  • Product details page
  • Checkout page

With these additions, the B2B template provides users with enhanced functionality to create a more seamless shopping experience.

Custom Git repositories are now supported

18 December 2023

You can now use a Git hosting service of your choice for the repository of your commercetools Frontend project. This gives you more flexibility in choosing your preferred Git hosting service and using a custom Continuous Integration.

Following this change, the scaffold and upload CLI commands are now available to help set up your custom repository.

The Studio underwent some modifications to support this new feature change.

CLI version 2.1.1

12 December 2023
Resolved Issue

Version 2.1.1 of the CLI is now available and it fixes two bugs on logs.
Large log messages did not appear in the CLI, which prevented any subsequent logs from being displayed as well. Now, logs appear as expected.
Additionally, multiple empty log messages were displayed after starting the CLI. Now, they no longer appear.

Integrated commercetools Checkout into the B2C store template

11 December 2023

We've integrated commercetools Checkout, our end-to-end checkout solution, into the B2C store template. With this enhancement, the B2C store template now provides a seamless and efficient checkout solution out of the box.

Introduced the commercetools Frontend B2B store template

3 November 2023

A ready-made B2B store template is now available in the commercetools Frontend customer project. You can use the template to create a B2B commerce website and leverage the functionalities of both commercetools Frontend and commercetools Composable Commerce.

Introduced the commercetools Frontend B2C store template

1 November 2023

A ready-made B2C store template is now available in the commercetools Frontend customer project. You can use the template to easily create a B2C commerce website and leverage the functionalities of both commercetools Frontend and commercetools Composable Commerce.

Introduced branch deployments

26 September 2023
Continuous integration

You can now preview and test the frontend and backend code of your website together, using automatic branch deployments. When you create a pull request, commercetools Frontend CI builds and deploys your backend, while Netlify deploys your frontend website.

Your Netlify administrator must configure Deploy Previews on Netlify.

Introduced the Bloomreach extension

5 September 2023

The out-of-the-box Bloomreach extension reduces development effort to integrate Bloomreach with your commercetools Frontend project.

With the extension, you can deliver Bloomreach content to your commercetools Frontend website.

Introduced the Talon.One extension

17 August 2023

The out-of-the-box Talon.One extension reduces development effort to integrate Talon.One with your commercetools Frontend project.

With the extension, you can use discounts, coupon codes, and other promotional marketing features from your Talon.One campaigns.

Introduced the Nosto extension

14 August 2023

The out-of-the-box Nosto extension reduces development effort to integrate Nosto with your commercetools Frontend project.

With the extension, you can deliver product recommendations from Nosto to your commercetools Frontend website.

Introduced the multi-tenant backend architecture for commercetools Frontend

11 August 2023

commercetools Frontend now has a multi-tenant backend architecture. This change lets you serve your API hub instance for your commercetools Frontend projects in a more scalable and efficient way.

The main improvements resulting from this new architecture are:

  • You will no longer use sandboxes to develop extensions. An environment in a development cluster is created automatically.
  • Website latency will decrease since cloud functions run on a cluster close to your customer’s target location.

If your projects are already set up on the new multi-tenant architecture, you do not need to take any actions.

If your projects are set up on the old single-tenant architecture, you need to perform some changes. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for further information.

The Studio underwent some modifications to support this change.

Our documentation is updated to reflect the changes.

New system status page

23 May 2023

As of today, you can monitor the commercetools Frontend system status and metrics from the general commercetools system status page. This will allow you check the status of commercetools Frontend and Composable Commerce at a glance from the same place, instead of from two different pages.

From the commercetools system status page, you can also subscribe to be notified of status updates.

The old commercetools Frontend system status page will no longer be available.

Introduced the Dynamic Yield extension

18 May 2023

The out-of-the-box Dynamic Yield extension reduces development effort to integrate Dynamic Yield with your commercetools Frontend project.

With the extension, you can deliver product recommendations from Dynamic Yield to your commercetools Frontend website.

Introduced the Contentstack extension

11 May 2023

The out-of-the-box Contentstack extension reduces development effort to integrate Contentstack with your commercetools Frontend project.

With the extension, you can deliver Contentstack media content (such as images, videos, and other media assets) to your commercetools Frontend website.

Introduced the Amplience extension

4 May 2023

The out-of-the-box Amplience extension reduces development effort to integrate Amplience with your commercetools Frontend project.

With the extension, you can deliver Amplience media content (such as images, videos, and other media assets) to your commercetools Frontend website.

Introduced The Good Store frontend template

14 April 2023

The Good Store is a frontend template to launch a storefront in a short time. The Good Store frontend components were designed according to research on e-commerce UX/UI best practices.

You can use The Good Store as a blueprint to build and launch your e-commerce website with commercetools Frontend and commercetools Composable Commerce, or you can just take it as a reference to develop your e-commerce website.

The Good Store is built using commercetools Frontend SDK and comes with the following integrations:

CLI version 2.0.0

8 March 2023
Resolved Issue

Version 2.0.0 of the CLI fixes a bug on Windows systems where linking dependencies would fail if the commercetools Frontend project is on a different drive than the CLI binary.

Introduced commercetools Frontend SDK

27 February 2023

commercetools Frontend SDK was introduced to help create integrations with commercetools Frontend.

The SDK improves the experience of developers adapting existing integrations or developing new integrations since it allows working autonomously, with minimal support needed.

The commercetools Frontend SDK comes with the following npm packages:

  • @commercetools/frontend-sdk
  • @commercetools/frontend-composable-commerce
  • @commercetools/frontend-domain-types

CLI version 1.25.0

23 January 2023

Version 1.25.0 of the CLI introduces a feature and fixes a bug.

New feature

You can now see the URL to the Studio from the dashboard and you can open it by pressing S.

Bug fix

Copying log entries to the clipboard by pressing c crashed Linux systems, the bug was fixed.

Documentation migration announcement

11 November 2022

As you already know, commercetools acquired Frontastic in November 2021. As a step towards the post merger integration, we've rebranded the Frontastic Next.js offering as commercetools Frontend.


CLI changelog

4 November 2022

The release notes published before 4 November 2022 are archived below.

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