This is the early access documentation preview for Custom Views. This documentation might not be in sync with our official documentation.


The Site builder area lets you manage page folders and page versions for your website.

To open the site builder area, click Site builder from the Studio home page or the navigation menu.

Site builder area overview with page folders and page versions

Site builder interface

The site builder can be divided into three sections:

  • Page folders pane, which displays the available page folders. Using this pane, you can create, move, duplicate, and/or delete page folders. The search box in this pane lets you search for existing page folders.

  • Page versions pane , which displays the available page versions. Using this pane, you can create and manage page versions.

  • Preview pane, which displays a preview of a selected page version to give you an overview of the page version layout.

    The preview isn't real-time and can display errors due to missing preview data or configuration. We recommend using the preview feature in the page builder for page version previews.