This is the early access documentation preview for Custom Views. This documentation might not be in sync with our official documentation.

Getting started

Learn how to add commercetools Checkout to your Project.

commercetools Checkout is available as a Custom Application in the Merchant Center.


  • An account on Merchant Center

  • Access to an Organization and Project that requires commercetools Checkout

    To request access to commercetools Checkout, contact Support.
    After access is granted, you can add commercetools Checkout to your Project from the list of Custom Application installed for your Organization.

Add commercetools Checkout to a Project

  1. In the Merchant Center menu, click your profile and select Manage Organizations & Teams.

  2. Select the Organization that includes the Project for which you want to configure commercetools Checkout.

  3. Click the Custom Applications tab and, in the Custom Applications Installations tile, click Manage project access.
    The Custom Applications Installations page displays Custom Applications that are installed and ready for installation for the selected Organization.

  4. In the Ready for installation section, select commercetools Checkout.

  5. In commercetools Checkout's settings page, select the appropriate permission:

    • To install commercetools Checkout for all Projects of your Organization, select Install for all projects of this organization.

      This only applies to existing Projects in the Organization. The permission must be updated whenever a new Project is created for the Organization.

    • To install for selected Projects, select Install for selected projects only and add the respective Projects.

  6. Click Save. Depending on your previous selection, the commercetools Checkout application is added to appropriate Projects.