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View and work on Quote Requests and Quotes.

A Quote is a legally binding offer between a Buyer and Seller that is an outcome of a request for a Quote. The usual workflow is as follows:

  1. In their storefront, a Buyer adds Products Variants to the Cart for which a Quote is to be requested. The Cart serves as a container for the Quote.

  2. The Buyer then sends the request for a Quote to the Seller.

  3. As a Seller, you can view the incoming Quote Request and decide whether to accept or reject it. If accepted, you can prepare and finalize the Quote from the Merchant Center.

    Once a Quote is finalized by the Seller, no further changes are possible. At this point, the Seller must inform the Buyer about the new Quote. To do this, Sellers can implement a Subscription to listen for this change and notify the Buyer.

  4. The Buyer is notified of the Quote and can then accept, reject, or renegotiate the Quote. An accepted Quote is then turned into an Order.

Quotes interface

The Quotes interface consists of the Quote list and Requests for Quote.

Quote list

Displays a filterable list of Final quotes and Draft quotes.

Final quotes

Displays a list of Quotes that have been finalized, as well as Quotes in various stages of renegotiation. Quotes are assigned one of the following statuses:

Quote finalizedThe Seller has finalized the Quote and no further changes are possible. The Seller can now send the Quote to the Buyer for review.
Renegotiation requestedThe Buyer has requested to renegotiate the Quote.
Renegotiation addressedThe Seller has finalized a new Quote and no further changes are possible. The Seller can now send the renegotiated Quote to the Buyer for review.
Accepted by customerThe Buyer has accepted the terms of the Quote.
Rejected by customerThe Buyer has rejected the terms of the Quote.
WithdrawnThe Seller has withdrawn the Quote before the Buyer accepted it.

Draft quotes

Displays a list of editable Quotes that are not finalized.

If you open a Quote draft linked to multiple renegotiation requests, you will be prompted to choose the Quote you want to modify.

Requests for Quote

Displays a list of Quote Requests with one of the following statuses:

  • New: Displays new incoming Quote Requests from Buyers.
  • Accepted: Displays Quote Requests the Seller accepted.
  • Rejected: Displays Quote Requests the Seller rejected.
  • Cancelled: Displays Quote Requests withdrawn by Buyers.

Create a Quote

You can only create one Quote for each Quote Request.

To create a Quote, do the following:

  1. In the Merchant Center main menu, go to Orders > Quotes, then click the Requests for Quote tab.

  2. From the New tab, select the Quote Request and click Accept.

    Rejecting a Quote Request ends the negotiation, and no further action is possible.

  3. In the dialog, click Create quote. If you click Do later, you can access the Quote from the Accepted tab and then create the Quote.

  4. If you agree to the terms of the Quote, click Save > Finalize quote. If you choose to edit the terms of the Quote, see Edit a Quote.

    Once a Quote is finalized, no further changes are possible. At this point, you can send the new Quote to the Buyer.

Renegotiate a Quote

To renegotiate a Quote, do the following:

  1. In the Merchant Center main menu, go to Orders > Quotes, then click the Quote list tab.
  2. Click the Final quotes tab.
  3. Click a Quote with the status Renegotiation requested.
  4. Review the Quote and comments left by the Buyer, then click Work on renegotiation.

At this point, you can make changes to the Quote. You can add or adjust quantities and Discounts, or write a note to the Buyer.

Renegotiate a Quote

To view the original renegotiation request from the Buyer, click Go to the renegotiation request.

Once finalized, the status changes to Renegotiation addressed, and you can send the Quote to the Buyer for review. No further changes to the Quote are possible.

Edit a Quote

To edit a Quote, do the following:

  1. In the Create quote pane, you can optionally do the following:

    • In the Items and discount section, you can adjust the Line Item quantity and select the type of Discount to be applied:

      • quote level discount: discounts the entire Cart by a percentage.
      • line item level discount: discounts Line Items by an absolute amount or relatively (rounded half down in favor of the Buyer).
        The Discount is calculated on the net price (without tax) of the Line Item.
      Applying a Discount overwrites any existing Cart Discount from the Quote list, and also removes gift Line Items added with the Cart Discount.

      Quote-level discount applied to Line Items included in the Quote.

    • In the Shipping info section, apply a relative or absolute Discount on the Shipping Method.
      The shipping cost displayed can include taxes depending on the Tax Category configured for the Products. A breakdown of the estimated taxes is displayed in the Quote summary section.

    • In the Expiration date section, add an expiration date for the Quote.

    • In the Notes section, add a note for the Buyer.

  2. To finish, click Finalize quote. A confirmation dialog appears, with the following options:

    • Do later: saves the Quote draft. You can access the draft from the Draft quotes tab.
    • Finalize quote: locks the Quote from further changes. You can implement a Subscription to listen for this change and send the new Quote to the Buyer.