This is the early access documentation preview for Custom Views. This documentation might not be in sync with our official documentation.

Deploying to commercetools Connect


Before you get started, you need to have:

Create your application

  1. Install a Connect starter template.

  2. Open the merchant-center-custom-application folder in the Connect starter template and install the Custom Applications starter template inside this folder.

  3. Add your environment variables to custom-application-config.mjs.

    const config = {
    name: 'Example Custom Application',
    cloudIdentifier: '${env:CLOUD_IDENTIFIER}',
    env: {
    development: {
    initialProjectKey: '${env:CTP_PROJECT_KEY}',
    production: {
    applicationId: '${env:CUSTOM_APPLICATION_ID}',
    url: '${env:APPLICATION_URL}',
    oAuthScopes: {
    view: ['view_products'],
    manage: ['manage_products'],
    icon: '${path:@commercetools-frontend/assets/application-icons/rocket.svg}',
    mainMenuLink: {
    defaultLabel: 'Template starter',
    labelAllLocales: [],
    permissions: [PERMISSIONS.View],
    submenuLinks: [
    uriPath: 'channels',
    defaultLabel: 'Channels',
    labelAllLocales: [],
    permissions: [PERMISSIONS.View],
    export default config;
  4. Open connect.yaml in the root of the Connect starter template and replace it with the following. Enter a name for the application, and define the environment variables you included in custom-application-config.mjs.

    - name: name-of-custom-application
    applicationType: merchant-center-custom-application
    endpoint: /
    - key: CTP_PROJECT_KEY
    description: project key from the Composable Commerce Project
    default: 'your-project-key'
    description: the Custom Application ID
    required: true
    description: the cloud identifier
    default: 'gcp-eu'

APPLICATION_URL is automatically provided by commercetools Connect and you do not need to define it in connect.yaml.

  1. Push your code to a GitHub repository and make a new release. Your release must have a Git tag.

Your GitHub repository can be public or private. If you are using a private repository, you must provide access to the GitHub machine user connect-mu.

Publish and deploy your application

You can publish and deploy your application using either the Connect API or the Merchant Center.

Using the Connect API

  1. Create a Connector which references the GitHub repository and release tag of your application.
  2. Publish your Connector using the preview or publish flow.
  3. Deploy the Connector with the correct configuration values. CUSTOM_APPLICATION_ID should be the applicationId of your configured Custom Application.
  4. Once your Connector is deployed, get the Deployment and copy the value of applications[*].url. This is the URL where your Custom Application is deployed.
  5. In the Merchant Center, update the Application URL of your Custom Application with the URL where your Custom Application is deployed.

Using the Merchant Center

  1. Create an Organization Connector which references the GitHub repository and release tag of your application.
  2. Publish your Connector using Request Preview or Publish for private use.
  3. Install the Organization Connector with the correct configuration values. CUSTOM_APPLICATION_ID should be the applicationId of your configured Custom Application.
  4. Open Manage connectors and click Installations. When the Status of the Connector is Installed, click the Connector and select your application from the list. Copy the value of the URL field. This is the URL where your Custom Application is deployed.
  5. Update the Application URL of your Custom Application with the URL where your Custom Application is deployed.

Test your deployment

Install the Custom Application in the Merchant Center and access it in your Projects.