This is the early access documentation preview for Custom Views. This documentation might not be in sync with our official documentation.


React component that ties together all the main functionalities of the Custom Applications.


yarn add @commercetools-frontend/application-shell
# or
npm --save install @commercetools-frontend/application-shell

Additionally install the peer dependencies (if not present)

yarn add @apollo/client react react-dom react-intl react-redux react-router-dom redux @testing-library/react @testing-library/react-hooks
# or
npm --save install @apollo/client react react-dom react-intl react-redux react-router-dom redux @testing-library/react @testing-library/react-hooks



This is the main component that contains all the general logic to render a Custom Application.
The ApplicationShell component is expected to be rendered as the top-level component of your application.


We recommend to render the application content as children of <ApplicationShell> instead of the render prop.

This allows the <ApplicationShell> to pre-configure the application entry point routes. In addition to that, the entry point route is protected by the basic View permission check. This means that a user without permissions of your Custom Application won't be able to access the Custom Application route.

entry-point.jsJavaScript React
import { ApplicationShell } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell';
const loadMessages = async (locale) => {
// ...
const AsyncApplicationRoutes = React.lazy(() =>
import('../../routes' /* webpackChunkName: "avengers" */)
const EntryPoint = () => (
<ApplicationShell environment={} applicationMessages={loadMessages}>
<AsyncApplicationRoutes />
export default EntryPoint;



object or func
This is either an object containing all the translated messages, grouped by locale
{ en: { Welcome: "Welcome" }, de: { Welcome: "Wilkommen" } }
or a function that returns a Promise that resolves to such an object.
The function is called with a locale parameter. See Importing translations.


The application runtime environment, which is exposed in See Runtime configuration. |


Instead of using the render prop, render your application component as children of <ApplicationShell>.
By doing so, the <ApplicationShell> pre-configures the main application routes according to the entryPointUriPath defined in the custom-application-config.json.
This is an opt-int behavior as a replacement of the render prop, to simplify the entry point setup.


func (optional)
The render function is called when the <ApplicationShell> is ready to render the actual application. This is the case when the required data (user, project) has been fetched and the application context has been initialized.
It's recommended to use the children prop to benefit from a simpler setup.


ApolloClient (optional)
An optional instance of ApolloClient to be used instead of the default one. This is usually the case when you need to configure the Apollo cache. See createApolloClient.


This feature is available from version 21.15.0 onwards.

Use this component to overwrite the document's default <title>.


We recommend using this component on pages with a human-readable resource identifier, for example, a Product name on the product details page.

import { ApplicationPageTitle } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell';
<ApplicationPageTitle additionalParts={['Red shoes']} />;
// Red shoes - Products - my-shop - Merchant Center

When the <ApplicationPageTitle> component is used multiple times, the last one rendered will overwrite the previous ones.

Please refer to the Mapping guidelines to understand when to overwrite the title and when not.



A list of parts to be prepended to the default page title, separated by -.



A React hook that wraps the useQuery hook of Apollo Client. The only difference is that useMcQuery properly types the context object, which is always used to define the GraphQL target. See Data Fetching.


A React hook that wraps the useLazyQuery hook of Apollo Client. The only difference is that useMcLazyQuery properly types the context object, which is always used to define the GraphQL target. See Data Fetching.


A React hook that wraps the useMutation hook of Apollo Client. The only difference is that useMcMutation properly types the context object, which is always used to define the GraphQL target. See Data Fetching.



Configures global event listeners to catch unexpected errors and report them to Sentry. Make sure to render this in the entry-point file.

import {
} from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell';
const EntryPoint = () => {
return (
// ...other props


Creates a new instance of the Apollo Client. Use this to extend certain functionalities of the preconfigured Apollo Client.

import { createApolloClient } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell';
// ...

Available options are:

  • cache (optional): Configuration of the Apollo cache in relation to the data requirements of your Custom Application.

  • restLink (optional): Instance of the Apollo REST link.

    This feature is available from version 21.10.0 onwards.

    The apollo-link-rest and its related dependencies are not included in the @commercetools-frontend/application-shell package and must be installed separately.

    When configuring the REST link, we recommend setting the uri using the getMcApiUrl() utility function.

To allow reusing the custom Apollo Client instance in different places, we recommend creating a separate file, for example src/apollo-client.js, and define the configuration there.

import { createApolloClient } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell';
const configureApollo = () =>
cache: {
// ...
export default configureApollo;

The new Apollo Client instance must be explicitly passed to the <ApplicationShell>.

import { ApplicationShell } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell';
import configureApolloClient from '../../apollo-client';
const apolloClient = configureApolloClient();
const EntryPoint = () => {
return (
// ...other props

Furthermore, in your tests you also need to create a new instance of your custom Apollo Client and pass it to the test utils.

import { renderAppWithRedux } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell/test-utils';
import configureApolloClient from '../../apollo-client';
apolloClient: configureApolloClient(),
// ...


Creates the Apollo context object with all the required options for using the /forward-to endpoint. See Integrate with your own API.

import {
} from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell';
import { useApplicationContext } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell-connectors';
const useExternalApiFetcher = () => {
// Assuming that the `custom-application-config.json` contains the custom value:
// `{ additionalEnv: { externalApiUrl: ''} }`
const externalApiUrl = useApplicationContext(
(context) => context.environment.externalApiUrl
const { loading, data, error } = useMcQuery(MyQuery, {
context: createApolloContextForProxyForwardTo({
// The URL to your external API
uri: externalApiUrl,
// Provide custom HTTP headers (optional)
headers: {
'x-foo': 'bar',
// Set `"X-Forward-To-Audience-Policy"` header in the request with provided value (optional)
audiencePolicy: 'forward-url-full-path',
// Set `"X-Forward-To-Claims": "permissions"` header in the request (optional)
includeUserPermissions: true,
return {

Available options are:


This feature is available from version 21.10.0 onwards.

This function should be used for configuring custom HTTP clients to provide all the recommended functionalities such as:

import { executeHttpClientRequest } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell';

The function accepts a callback function THttpClientFetcher to execute the request and an optional object THttpClientConfig for the HTTP request configuration.
The callback function THttpClientFetcher is passed one argument with the configured request options THttpClientOptions that you would use to configure the HTTP request for your HTTP client.

type THttpClientOptions = {
credentials: 'include';
* The HTTP headers included by default are:
* - Accept
* - Authorization (only in development)
* - X-Application-Id
* - X-Correlation-Id
* - X-Project-Key
* - X-User-Agent
headers: THeaders;
type TFetcherResponse<Data> = {
* The parsed response from the server.
data: Data;
* The HTTP status code from the server response.
statusCode: number;
* Implement a function to access the HTTP headers from the server response.
getHeader: (headerName: string) => string | null;
type THttpClientFetcher<Data> = (
options: THttpClientOptions
) => Promise<THttpClientFetcherResponse<Data>>;
async function executeHttpClientRequest<Data>(
fetcher: THttpClientFetcher<Data>,
config?: THttpClientConfig
): Promise<Data>;

The THttpClientConfig object accepts the following options:

  • userAgent (optional): A custom user agent to identify the HTTP client.
    We recommend to use the @commercetools/http-user-agent package.

    import createHttpUserAgent from '@commercetools/http-user-agent';
    const userAgent = createHttpUserAgent({
    name: 'fetch-client',
    version: '2.6.0',
    contactEmail: '',
  • headers (optional): Additional HTTP headers to be included in the request. The provided recommended headers won't be overwritten.

  • forwardToConfig (optional): Configuration for using the /proxy/forward-to endpoint to connect to an external API.

    • uri (required): The URL of the external API to forward the request to.
    • headers (optional): Additional HTTP headers to be included in the request to the external API.
    • audiencePolicy (optional): See configuring the audience policy.
    • includeUserPermissions (optional): See configuring custom claims.
    • version (recommended): See versioning.

You can see some examples of integrating this with different HTTP clients:


Returns the URL of the Merchant Center API. This is useful to configure HTTP clients that should connect to that API.

import { getMcApiUrl } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell';
const mcApiUrl = getMcApiUrl();
// https://mc-api.<region>


Returns a URL of the Merchant Center API for the given URI path. This is useful to configure the request URL without having to get the URL of the Merchant Center API.

import { buildApiUrl } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell';
const apiEndpoint = buildApiUrl('/proxy/ctp/channels');
// https://mc-api.<region>

Test utils

The package provides a separate entry point with utilities for testing Custom Applications.

import /**/ '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell/test-utils';

Most of the utility functions related to React Testing Library, as the recommended testing approach. See Testing for more information.

In general the test-utils simulate the components-under-test as if it was rendered by the <ApplicationShell> and provide the necessary setup to fully test a Custom Application. This includes things like Apollo, React Intl, React Router, etc.


A wrapper around the render method of React Testing Library. All the basic setup for testing is included here.


import {
} from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell/test-utils';
describe('rendering', () => {
it('should render the authenticated users first name', async () => {
renderApp(<FirstName />, {
user: {
firstName: 'Leonard',
await screen.findByText('First name: Leonard');



Determines the UI language and number format. Is used to configure <IntlProvider>. Only core messages will be available during tests, no matter the locale. The locale can be a full IETF language tag, although the Merchant Center is currently only available in a limited set of languages.


Sets the locale which is used to display LocalizedStrings.


Allows mocking requests made with Apollo. mocks is forwarded as the mocks argument to MockedProvider. If mocks is not provided or is an empty array, the Apollo MockedProvider is not used. This is an opt-in functionality, as the default behavior is to mock requests using Mock Service Worker.


Pass a custom instance of Apollo client, useful when your Custom Application has some custom cache policies. You can use the exported function createApolloClient of @commercetools-frontend/application-shell.


The route the user is on, like /test-project/products. Defaults to /.


Pass true if you are using the render prop for the <ApplicationShell> instead of the children prop.


By default a memory-history is generated which has the provided route set as its initial history entry. It's possible to pass a custom history as well. In that case, we recommend using the factory function createEnhancedHistory from the @commercetools-frontend/browser-history package, as it contains the enhanced location with the parsed query object.


The FlopFlip adapter to use when configuring flopflip. Defaults to memoryAdapter.


An object whose keys are feature-toggle keys and whose values are their toggle state. Use this to test your component with different feature toggle combinations. Example: { betaUserProfile: true }.


Allows to set the applicationContext.environment. The passed object gets merged with the tests default environment. Pass null to completely remove the environment, which renders the ui as if no environment was given.


Allows to set the applicationContext.user. The passed object gets merged with the test's default user. Pass null to completely remove the user, which renders the ui as if no user was authenticated.


Allows to set the applicationContext.project. The passed object gets merged with the tests default project. Pass null to completely remove the project which renders the ui outside of a project context.

Return values

Calling renderApp returns the same Result object of React Testing Library, with the addition of the following properties:


The history created by renderApp which is passed to the router. It can be used to simulate location changes and so on.


The user object used to configure <ApplicationContextProvider>, so the result of merging the default user with options.user. Note that this is not the same as applicationContext.user. Can be undefined when no user is authenticated (when options.user was null).


The project object used to configure <ApplicationContextProvider>, so the result of merging the default project with options.project. Note that this is not the same as applicationContext.project. Can be undefined when no project was set (when options.project was null).


The environment object used to configure <ApplicationContextProvider>, so the result of merging the default environment with options.environment. Note that this is not the same as applicationContext.environment. Can be undefined when no environment was set (when options.environment was null).


A wrapper around the renderApp method with the additional support of Redux. This is only useful if your components-under-test relies on Redux, for example when dispatching notifications.


import {
} from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell/test-utils';
describe('rendering', () => {
it('should render the authenticated users first name', async () => {
renderAppWithRedux(<FirstName />, {
user: {
firstName: 'Leonard',
await screen.findByText('First name: Leonard');


In addition to the following options, the method accepts all options from renderApp. Please note that it is not possible to pass either storeState or sdkMocks together with store.


A custom redux store.


Pass an initial state to the default Redux store.


Allows mocking requests made with @commercetools-frontend/sdk (Redux). The sdkMocks is forwarded as mocks to the SDK test-utils.


Pass a function to map a notification to a custom component.


Helper function to map user permissions to applied resource permissions. This is useful in testing when defining user permissions. See Testing user permissions for more information.

project: {
allAppliedPermissions: mapResourceAccessToAppliedPermissions([


Helper function to map user permissions defined as objects to a list of applied resource permissions.

project: {
allAppliedPermissions: denormalizePermissions({
canViewAvengers: true,