This is the early access documentation preview for Custom Views. This documentation might not be in sync with our official documentation.

Apply your learning

Use your understanding of product data modeling in Composable Commerce to help an online store set up their new T-shirt range.

  • After completing this page, you should be able to:

    • Use Product Types, Product Attributes, Products, and Product Variants to model a simple product catalog in Composable Commerce.
  • Fresh Fashion

    Fresh Fashion has asked you, their ecommerce manager, to add their new T-shirt range to Composable Commerce. The new T-shirts have the following attributes to consider:

    • Color: 6 colors in total (Black, White, Teal, Yellow, Peach, and Indigo)
    • Size: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL
    • Fit: regular fit or slim fit
    • Organic cotton: yes/no

    Follow the process of modeling the Product Type and Product Attributes (including deciding on the data types and constraints), Products, and Product Variants so that you can successfully add the T-shirt range to Composable Commerce.

    Take your time - this task requires careful consideration!

    How do you proceed?


    Great job at finishing the Product Data Modeling module. There were a lot of new concepts presented here and it is a fantastic effort to get to this point!

    Where to next? Well, there were a lot of links in the module to Composable Commerce documentation resources, which you may have skipped over. We would recommend reviewing these if you haven't already. We have collected all of the links we covered in the module in the section below for you. You don't have to read all of these now, but it would be good to bookmark them and come back to it later.

    Documentation references

    Next module

    If you're all up to speed with the above material, then we'd love to see you in the next module! Click the link below and let's continue with learning how to administer Composable Commerce!