This is the early access documentation preview for Custom Views. This documentation might not be in sync with our official documentation.

Customer repository structure

Learn about the structure of your GitHub customer repository.

Structure of the GitHub customer repository

A commercetools Frontend's GitHub customer repository has the following structure.

Structure of the GitHub customer repositorytxt
└── packages
├── backend
├── frontend
└── types

packages folder

The packages folder contains the folders of all your commercetools Frontend projects. Each project folder has the following structure.

Structure of a project foldertxt
├── backend
│   └── Contains the extensions.
├── frontend
│   └── Contains the Frontend components.
└── types
└── Contains the type definitions.

The backend folder contains the examples from documentation and the following.

File / FolderContent
index.tsCode for data sources, actions, and the dynamic page handler
commercetools/Code for the Composable Commerce extension
webpack/Webpack configuration for all environments
schemas/Data source and dynamic page schemas

The frontend folder contains the following.

File / FolderContent
components/commercetools-ui library
frontastic/tastics/, lib/, and provider/ folders
frontastic/tastics/Frontend components used in the Studio
frontastic/lib/Helper functions
frontastic/provider/React Context provider
helpers/Helper functions and React hooks for Frontend components
pages/Next.js pages folder
styles/Custom stylesheets
public/Public assets like icons and images

The types folder contains the TypeScript type definitions used in the project.