This is the early access documentation preview for Custom Views. This documentation might not be in sync with our official documentation.

Signing up for Composable Commerce

Sign up for Composable Commerce and start exploring its features.

Composable Commerce offers a 60-day trial for new customers to explore and understand the features it has to offer. After registering for the free trial, you'll receive an email invite to sign up for the Merchant Center.

If you haven't received an email invite, check your spam/bulk folder or sign up using a personal email address (as your company may have strict policies that block the emails).

Set up your Project

After you've signed up to Merchant Center, do the following:

  1. Select how you want to set up your Project.

    • To start with an empty project and explore Composable Commerce after entering or importing your own data, select Start from scratch.
    • To explore Composable Commerce with sample data, select Start with sample data. This option is great to get a first overview of how a real project can look like.
  2. Enter a name for your Organization and Project, and a key for the Project.

    Organizations help in managing Projects.
    A Project key must be unique. If a Project with the given key exists, use another key.