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Log in to commercetools Composable Commerce Regions

commercetools Composable Commerce is provided in multiple cloud infrastructures and locations, called Regions. Find information on self-service sign-up here.

User accounts are separate per Region. Authentication will fail when logging into a different Region than the one the account was created in. The same email address can have independent user accounts in multiple regions.
North America (Google Cloud)Merchant CenterImpEx & API Playground
North America (AWS)Merchant CenterImpEx & API Playground
Europe (Google Cloud)Merchant CenterImpEx & API Playground
Europe (AWS)Merchant CenterImpEx & API Playground
Australia (Google Cloud)Merchant CenterImpEx & API Playground
China (AWS)Merchant CenterNot supported.

The North America (Google Cloud) Region was previously named United States.

The Europe (Google Cloud) Region was previously named Europe.