All Release Notes

Fixed 'InventoryEntryCreated' type in the GraphQL API

23 June 2023
Resolved Issue
GraphQLProduct CatalogMessages/Subscriptions

We made a correction to the InventoryEntryCreated type in the GraphQL API. The type of the field inventoryEntry was incorrectly marked as InventoryEntryCreatedContent! instead of InventoryEntry!. This was not in line with the documentation of the InventoryEntryCreated Message and caused the SDKs to not work correctly.

Additionally, we removed the types InventoryEntryCreatedContent and MessageId from the GraphQL schema since they are no longer required.


  • [GraphQL API] Removed the following types from the GraphQL schema: InventoryEntryCreatedContent, MessageId.
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the InventoryEntryCreated type:
    • InventoryEntryCreated.inventoryEntry field type changed from InventoryEntryCreatedContent! to InventoryEntry!