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Improvements to working with Business Units in the GraphQL API

10 February 2023

Quote Requests, Staged Quotes, and Quotes now support Reference Expansion on Business Unit in the GraphQL API.


  • [GraphQL API] Changed the StagedQuote type:
    • Added the businessUnitRef field to the StagedQuote type.
    • StagedQuote.businessUnit field type changed from KeyReference to BusinessUnit
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the Quote type:
    • Added the businessUnitRef field to the Quote type.
    • Quote.businessUnit field type changed from KeyReference to BusinessUnit
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the QuoteRequest type:
    • Added the businessUnitRef field to the QuoteRequest type.
    • QuoteRequest.businessUnit field type changed from KeyReference to BusinessUnit

The following changes were introduced in terms of GraphQL SDL:

extend type StagedQuote {
businessUnitRef: KeyReference
extend type Quote {
businessUnitRef: KeyReference
extend type QuoteRequest {
businessUnitRef: KeyReference