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Added 'discounted' field to 'ProductPriceDataInput' type in GraphQL

7 February 2023
GraphQLPricing and Discounts

To align with the PriceDraft object in the HTTP API we added the discounted field to the ProductPriceDataInput type in the GraphQL schema. Furthermore, we fixed the field type for the DiscountedProductPriceValueInput type in the GraphQL API.


  • [GraphQL API] Added discounted field to the ProductPriceDataInput type.
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the field type from ReferenceInput! to ResourceIdentifierInput!.

The following changes were introduced in terms of GraphQL SDL:

extend input ProductPriceDataInput {
discounted: DiscountedProductPriceValueInput
input DiscountedProductPriceValueInput {
value: BaseMoneyInput!
discount: ResourceIdentifierInput!