All Release Notes

Added Set ReturnInfo update action and Message

10 November 2021

With the Set ReturnInfo update action, you can now delete and overwrite multiple entries in the returnInfo array field of Order in a single request. Previously, to remove an entry from the returnInfo field, it was necessary to use the Add ReturnInfo update action with a negative quantity. The Set ReturnInfo update action triggers the ReturnInfoSet Message.


  • [API] Added Set ReturnInfo update action to Orders.
  • [API] Added Set ReturnInfo update action to Order Edits.
  • [API] Added ReturnInfoSet Message.
  • [GraphQL API] Added the following types to the GraphQL schema: ReturnInfoDraftType, ReturnInfoDraftTypeOutput, ReturnInfoSet, SetOrderReturnInfo, SetStagedOrderReturnInfo, SetStagedOrderReturnInfoOutput.
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the StagedOrderUpdateAction type:
    • Input field setReturnInfo was added to StagedOrderUpdateAction type
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the OrderUpdateAction type:
    • Input field setReturnInfo was added to OrderUpdateAction type

The following changes were introduced in terms of GraphQL SDL:

extend input StagedOrderUpdateAction {
setReturnInfo: SetStagedOrderReturnInfo
extend input OrderUpdateAction {
setReturnInfo: SetOrderReturnInfo
input ReturnInfoDraftType {
items: [ReturnItemDraftType!]!
returnDate: DateTime
returnTrackingId: String
type ReturnInfoDraftTypeOutput {
items: [ReturnItemDraftTypeOutput!]!
returnDate: DateTime
returnTrackingId: String
type ReturnInfoSet implements MessagePayload {
returnInfo: [ReturnInfo!]!
type: String!
input SetOrderReturnInfo {
items: [ReturnInfoDraftType!]!
input SetStagedOrderReturnInfo {
items: [ReturnInfoDraftType!]!
type SetStagedOrderReturnInfoOutput implements StagedOrderUpdateActionOutput {
type: String!
items: [ReturnInfoDraftTypeOutput!]!